Read the original article:
Vineri, 8 aprilie 2016, aşa cum a fost publicat în Jurnalul Săptămânii, a avut loc în Sala Cinematecii din Tel Aviv comemorarea unui deceniu de la dispariţia pictorului Baruch Elron, o personalitate cu totul specială în spaţiul artei israeliene.
Lydia Elron, care l-a întovărăşit cu devoţiune în întreaga viaţă şi creeatie, s-a preocupat de organizarea acestui eveniment pentru readucerea pictorului în memorie. În cadrul reuniunii, opera acestui artist a fost pusă în lumina prin prezentarea susţinută de dr. Dalia Hakker-Orion, cercetător în domeniul Artelor Plastice.
Publicul a putut urmării pe ecran imaginile unor tablouri din creaţia lui Baruch Elron, bucurându-se de interpretările bine documentate ale conferenţiarei. Domnia sa a subliniat vastele cunoştinţe ale pictorului, din domeniile artelor, a literaturii, a mitologiei, dar şi din domeniul ştiinţelor naturii.
Temele abordate de Baruch Elron au fost legate de poveşti din biografia sa. Trecerea fără oprire a timpului, muzică, peisaje văzute prin fereastră, locul şi viaţa femeii, au prins viaţă pe pânzele sale. Personaje şi episoade din Biblie au apărut în pictura acestui artist de mare originalitate că personaje trăind în zilele noastre. Stilul pe care l-a abordat în pictura a fost denumit „realism fantastic".
Pictorul Arie Lamdan, prieten şi coleg de profesiune, a realizat în continuare o evocare a personalităţii lui Baruch Elron, a umorului său şi a preocupărilor comune. Scurte momente muzicale din programul comemorării au fost interpretate la harpă de Sarah Ridy, sosită din Londra. Talentată muziciană a cucerit publicul cu frumuseţea melodiilor baroc. Violonistul Gal Eckstein şi violoncelistul Eyal Heyman au interpretat cu har din Invenţiile numărul 1 şi 4 de J.S.Bach.
Lydia Elron a ales să îmbogăţească evenimentul cu un program muzical în amintirea soţului ei, care obişnuia şi îi plăcea să asculte asemena partituri. Ba mai mult, harpă şi vioara au avut un loc special în amplele sale picturi.
Evenimentul s-a bucurat de participarea unui număr mare de prieteni ai familiei Elron, de personalităţi din domeniul artelor, reprezentanţi ai Jurnalului Săptămânii şi Revista Expres Magazin şi, reprezentanţi ai I.C.R. Tel Aviv. Au onorat evenimentul E.S. Andreea Păstarnac, Ambasador al României în Israel, Doamna Colette Avital şi, Micha Harish, Preşedinte A.M.I.R. Comemorarea, organizată de Lydia Elron, soţia şi totodată muza pictorului, constituie un act de cultură, un omagiu spre neuitare, a unui magician al picturii.
Rough translation...
Friday, April 8, 2016, as published in the Official Week, held in Tel Aviv Cinematheque Hall commemorating a decade since the disappearance painter Baruch Elron, a very special personality in Israeli art space.
Lydia Elron, which has fellowship with devotion throughout life and creeatie, was concerned about bringing this event to the memory of the painter. At the meeting, the work of this artist was made in light of the presentation by dr. Dalia Hakker-Orion, researcher Fine Arts.
The audience could follow the on-screen images of paintings by Baruch Elron's creation, enjoying the well-documented interpretations of lecturers. He stressed vast knowledge of the painter, arts, literature, mythology, and the natural sciences.
Baruch Elron topics addressed were related to stories of his biography. The run time, music, landscapes seen through the window, place and the woman's life, came to life in his paintings. Characters and episodes from the Bible appeared in paintings by this artist of great originality that the characters live in today. The style that I approached the painting was called "fantastic realism".
Arie Lamdan painter, friend and professional colleague, further realized an evocation of Baruch Elron's personality, his humor and common concerns. Short musical moments of commemoration program were interpreted by Sarah Ridy harp, arrived from London. Talented musician wows audiences with the beauty of baroque music. Violinist and cellist Gal Eckstein Eyal Heyman sang with grace of Inventions number 1 and 4 J.S.Bach.
Elron Lydia chose to enrich the event with a musical program in memory of her husband, who used and liked to listen to music Also. Moreover, harp and violin had a special place in his paintings ample.
The event was attended by a large number of family friends Elron, personalities from the arts, representatives Journal and Magazine Week Expres Magazin and representatives I.C.R. Tel Aviv. Honored event S.E. Andreea parsnips, Romanian Ambassador to Israel, Mrs. Colette Avital and Micha Harish, President A.M.I.R. The commemoration, organized by Elron Lydia, his wife and muse of the painter also constitutes an act of culture, a tribute to remembrance, a magician of painting.
Friday, April 8, 2016, as published in the Official Week, held in Tel Aviv Cinematheque Hall commemorating a decade since the disappearance painter Baruch Elron, a very special personality in Israeli art space.
Lydia Elron, which has fellowship with devotion throughout life and creeatie, was concerned about bringing this event to the memory of the painter. At the meeting, the work of this artist was made in light of the presentation by dr. Dalia Hakker-Orion, researcher Fine Arts.
The audience could follow the on-screen images of paintings by Baruch Elron's creation, enjoying the well-documented interpretations of lecturers. He stressed vast knowledge of the painter, arts, literature, mythology, and the natural sciences.
Baruch Elron topics addressed were related to stories of his biography. The run time, music, landscapes seen through the window, place and the woman's life, came to life in his paintings. Characters and episodes from the Bible appeared in paintings by this artist of great originality that the characters live in today. The style that I approached the painting was called "fantastic realism".
Arie Lamdan painter, friend and professional colleague, further realized an evocation of Baruch Elron's personality, his humor and common concerns. Short musical moments of commemoration program were interpreted by Sarah Ridy harp, arrived from London. Talented musician wows audiences with the beauty of baroque music. Violinist and cellist Gal Eckstein Eyal Heyman sang with grace of Inventions number 1 and 4 J.S.Bach.
Elron Lydia chose to enrich the event with a musical program in memory of her husband, who used and liked to listen to music Also. Moreover, harp and violin had a special place in his paintings ample.
The event was attended by a large number of family friends Elron, personalities from the arts, representatives Journal and Magazine Week Expres Magazin and representatives I.C.R. Tel Aviv. Honored event S.E. Andreea parsnips, Romanian Ambassador to Israel, Mrs. Colette Avital and Micha Harish, President A.M.I.R. The commemoration, organized by Elron Lydia, his wife and muse of the painter also constitutes an act of culture, a tribute to remembrance, a magician of painting.